Saturday, December 5, 2009

Noodles on a cold day

After a brisk, frost covered morning spent "winterizing" our yard (yeah, we're a little late) we quickly changed and headed over to downtown Seattle's international district on our way to do a bunch of errands. Last month I made the unfortunate mistake of buying "extra sticky short sweet rice", apparently this is the type they make tasty chinese desserts out of. Oh well, we have a ton now. While we were out and about we decided to go to the Uwajimaya japanese mega supermarket and pick up rice and find some noodles. Both were a hit.

After some intense searching we finally found Samurai Noodle behind the grocery store. It was tiny, eight 2-top tables and a huge line. The ramen hit the spot - hot tasty, porky and fat noodles. It had green onions, soy sauce hard boiled eggs, pork and bamboo. May got "extra fat" added to her ramen bowl, boy was it lip-smackin' good. We'll definitely go back. We heard they are opening up another one even closer in UW area.

Passing back through Uwajimaya we picked up the correct rice and a bunch of a little mochie squishie treats for fun. I love that place, too many funny looking little expensive treats to throw in the cart.

After some intense Christmas shopping we walked over to the Sheraton hotel in downtown so that May could see the Gingerbread house exhibit. It was impressive and surprisingly cool. Made me hungry too.

1 comment:

dlundin said...

Scott, when did you become such a foodie?