In order to accomodate the anticipated crowds, the Seattle police came in force and blocked-off almost 20 blocks on Greenwood to allow for easy roaming on the streets. Okay, so it's the first year of this event and Phinney is the first of many Seattle neighborhoods to participate, but the local store owners really didn't capitalize on the flock of people and set-up stands on the street. I anticipate in future years seeing a lot more outdoor tents, merchandise displays and street food. Hopefully they will pick a warmer day too.
Interesting new stores:
- Strut (walking shoe store)
- Greenwood Space Travel Company (creative writing non-profit - very 1960's space theme)
- Zak & Zoe (fun pet accessory store)
Interesting new stores:
- Strut (walking shoe store)
- Greenwood Space Travel Company (creative writing non-profit - very 1960's space theme)
- Zak & Zoe (fun pet accessory store)
Um... April isn't summer here in CA. Is it up there in Seattle?? Haha.
Yeah, Greenwood/Phinney got the short end of the stick and got the first slot for this "Summer" Series. As you can see, we were bundled up walking around! There's supposed to be 2 of these per month for the next few months, in various neighborhoods.
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