I've been heads down on several projects at work and my first one launched tonight! I was working on the pre-sale of the new 3G Sidekick. This is only the second presale TMobile has done so there was a lot of internal coordination that was needed. It's been very interesting, and different, working for a company that sells a consumer product. I've been so used to working at a company where all of my "products" are online; now I have to take into consideration all the business and operational aspects of a tangible asset and it's been a fun learning experience!
Anyway, if you want to check out the new Sidekick, go to the
sidekick.com site. You won't be able to purchase it right now unless you are a T-Mobile customer though. If you aren't a TMO customer, you will have to wait and try to get it when it launches on May 13th. See - being TMO customer has its perks!
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