Scott has been taking every opportunity to use his season pass on the slopes. He probably goes at least once a week, and is definitely getting his money's worth! I usually sit in one of the restaurants/lounges and wait for him. Summit West has a wi-fi lounge with comfy cushy chairs even, but normally I just hang out in one of the restaurants. I'm never alone - there are actually lots of other people waiting around while their loved ones go skiing/snowboarding. Yesterday morning, I counted 14 people in the room dressed in regular clothes (not snow gear). There was even one gal who took over a corner of a table and was scrapbooking, and there was another lady who was knitting.
Lucky for me though, my friends Seng, Erik and Boh (who went to the campfire with us on Saturday) wanted to meet up for a snow day so I didn't wait for very long in the lounge before they got there. While Scott went snowboarding with Eric and Frank, the four of us headed over to the Tubing park!

I have never gone tubing before and was a bit surprised at it. Firstly, it is really fun! The hill is groomed with about 10 lanes so even though we hadn't had snow in a while, there was still plenty of it on the tubing hill. You don't get wet and snowy at all since the tubes lift your booty off the ground. I saw many people just dressed in jeans. Secondly, it was so-crowded! There were tons of little tykes screaming

their heads off when they went down the hill, but there were just as many adults out having a fun day. Lastly, it is sort of tiring and repetitive. There was a little rope tow that you could attach your tube to and it would drag you up the hill, but the lines for it were long so we ended up walking up the hill pretty often. You fly down the hill in about 3 seconds, but it takes a gazillion more time to hike back up! I'm not sure the reward of going back down was worth it.

While I had a fun time, we all agreed that for $20 for a 2 hour session, tubing is quite expensive! If there were different, longer tracks, it might be better. I hear that there are such places, so I may have to seek them out after the next snowfall!
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