For Valentine's day May and I trekked off to North Bend for a little winter hike at Twin Falls State Park. We compared a dozen different trail options and decided on this one because it was (a) within 60 miles (b) low impact [1,200 vertical feet & 4 miles long] (c) designated as a 'family trail - even your kids can do this one'. It was a beautiful hike, snaking along a river and up to a huge waterfall. But as the trail guide suggested, it was very family friendly... there were a ton of people. Overall it was quite pretty, we walked through mossy forest, river rocks and snow covered ground. The only negative was towards the top you could hear the freeway. Boo. Oh yeah, May and I always forget how warm you get once you start moving... once again, we over-dressed and peeled off all the layers. Now I'm sleepy :)
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