The weather forecast looked promising for Saturday so we decided to invite our friends (the Molvar clan) over to the west side of the lake for a fun filled afternoon. May made a fantastic (near LA standards) chicken enchilada accompanied by mexican rice, beans and nopales. The enchilada was a tad dry, but tasty none-the-less, but unfortunately the kiddies weren't so bold. We thought it might be the case, so May had some turkey deli meat and 'chippies' on hand to save the day.
After lunch we set off for the Seattle Zoo, about 1 mile away. It was a nice day, sunny but a little crisp (50'ish?). Bringing the little red wagon was a stroke of brilliance, the kids were in toe and we made sure to hit all the major attractions (hippos, monkeys, giraffes and tigers). Mental note: the "nocternal" exhibit isn't the best with all of the creepy crawlies for little kids. (Sorry Liam & Esther hopefully the nightmares don't last long!) We ended our afternoon with a coffee by the gift shop enjoying the sun. I personally found it amazing how young kids learn the term "gift shop". My favorite of the day was Liam's clothing selection, rain boots, placed on the wrong feet, in different sizes... way to push the cultural norms!
Baby Colin was good and didn't fuss all day

Esther liked being in the African hut

"Whatcha lookin' at" says Liam

Wish we had someone to tow us around like Liam and Esther did!