After a week and a half, May and I returned to Seattle to enjoy a day without snow on Saturday. Enough of this, I need more snow! On Sunday, I convinced May to join me on the nearby slopes at Snowqualmie Summit. May rented some ski's and did quite well... I think she actually enjoyed herself before the 12 degree cold got to her. Brrr. Next time, we'll bundle up more. I managed to slip in a few more runs before calling it a day. It was a slippery ride home, and to our surprise, it had been snowing in Seattle. Three whole inches! Alas, it was short lived. It started to rain this morning and the snow quickly melted.
check out all that snow! it's almost covering the road sign! skiing was fun, but I stuck to the bunny slopes. i'm too chicken to go fast!
Is that a North Face jacket?
Why yes it is. Vintage 1998 edition. The first Gore Tex :)
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