- Hills, lots of them. We were sliding all over the place today.
- People have no clue how to drive on snow. ALL Subaru drivers think they can drive fast on ice. Stupid. (there are more Subaru's banged up sitting outside body shops than any other vehicle).
- Clueless when it comes to putting on snow chains (hint: those little bungee cords that come in the box, they aren't 'optional' equipment).
- The local weather stations weild more power than the state governor. Take Wednesday for instance, ZERO snow fell yet their dire warnings caused ALL schools in western Washington to close, as a result, most parents had to stay home too. And today, people were panicking at the mall to scramble to get their shopping done because the snow was predicted to hit at 3pm (which it did).
- Buses can't maneuver well; we have the extra-stretched buses up here, I watched a bus drive past and the middle wheels were off the ground, not turning... I can only imagine the scene when the driver tried to turn. Most local routes close with the snow, except for good ol' #5!!! Woohoo! (Our bus driver is fearless).
- No snow plows, I guess with our budget deficit it's a good trade off. But the city doesn't even have much salt to de-ice the roads.
- Seattlites value their snow days, who doesn't? It's like a national holiday, only better.
We had fun driving home from REI back home in the snow... it's now 5 degrees with the wind-chill factor (pretty steady 20 mph winds so far). Brrrr. Start up the fire and turn up the Christmas tunes!
Hoooray for Seattle!
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