I don't have to be in LA to see stars! I was enjoying happy hour with a group of coworkers at
Beach Cafe at Carillon Point when we spied the newest Bachelor! Some of the gals might have had one drink too many becuase when they saw him walk by the glass windows outside, they shrieked and screamed. I thought I was back at the NKOTB concert from all that noise! I have to clarify that I did NOT scream (heck, I didn't even know who he was), but

I did laugh so hard I started to cry becuase I couldn't believe the kind of star treatment this guy was getting! He heard us through the windows, and since he was filming a segment for the local KOMO4 news, he
came in to meet us. So, folks, yours truly may be on the local news, gawking at the Bachelor amongst a group of 8 girls + 1 boy. Makes for good (local) news and publicity!
In case you are interested: the Bachelor is a local Kirkland man. The show has wrapped up and the new season airs Jan 5. And yes, he found love, but wouldn't tell us any details other than "she's amazing".
I wouldn't call that guy a star...
yeah, i use the term "star" very loosely...
Oh heheheheheheeeee!!! That's SUCH A GOOD SIGHTING!! I heart Jason!!! Seriously, I'm doubling over with laughter because I was totally into him this last season and you even got a pic with him!
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