Monday, June 22, 2009

Fremont Fair

Summer Solstice was here! Last year, we celebrated by having a drink on Ray's deck, but everyone kept telling us about the crazy Summer Solstice festival that happens in Fremont. We decided to check it out this year and hopped on good ole #5 bus and headed down to the Center of the Universe.

We missed out on the famous parade, but there was still plenty of nakedness on display at the fair itself. There was also lots of costumes and craziness, and multiple beer gardens. We each had a corn dog and decided it was the worst corn dog we've ever had. Ick.

We didn't have a camera on hand, but if you want to see pictures, you can check out:

We both decided that the festival was interesting but very crowded and probably not something we'll have to do again next year.

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