To my delight, May suggested that we check out the Deschutes brewery in downtown Portland for dinner (for those just tuning in, Deschutes was a featured beer in last weekend's Phinney ridge beer tasting). It was a hip and happen'in place. We ordered a beer sampler and some tasty hot wings...boy were they good. I ordered the Beervlaka entry, which was quite tasty. I think everyone else hated their dishes. Oh well, can't win them all.
Saturday we drove east to the beautiful Multnomah waterfalls. There were dozens of waterfalls along the drive, but Multnomah was the largest. In fact, it's the second tallest (year round) waterfall in North America, right behind Yosemite. It was packed, everyone and their mother (and in many cases grandmother too) climbed the mountain. It's not much of a hike if parents with strollers can scale the switchbacks. Surprisingly, most of the trail is paved, making the hike pretty quick. We decided to continue beyond the waterfall to the 6 mile loop, but about a mile in we decided we might not make it back before nightfall. Good decision.

1 comment:
The hike wasn't as easy as Scott says - the beginning was full of switchbacks to get to the top of the falls (see pic 3), but then the trail evened out and was okay. The trail also followed the water source of the falls so there were TONS of littler waterfalls along the way (the rest of the pics you see!). Made for a very pretty hike.
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