In our quest to visit all of the nearby islands and peninsulas, last weekend we headed out to Port Townsend. It was a beautiful day, perfectly clear and warm (who knew the sun could be so fun?). Talk about rare, you could see Mt. Rainier all the way from the ferry.

We took the ferry from Edmunds across to Kingston. While we were in line to get on the ferry, a grandmotherly lady walked past the car and started yelling at May "Welcome, welcome to Washington". Keep in mind that she was yelling because our car windows were up (good call with all the crazy friendly people around). After being startled a bit we realized we were the only car in line with a California license plate.
Wooden boat festival! Yes, as luck would have it we arrived and it was the wooden boat festival weekend. The harbor was filled with hundreds of old sailboats, including a couple replica Mayflower type ships. The streets of Pt. Townsend were very quaint and victorian, however the people were a different story. There were two types of people present: gypsies and old white people. It was a strange mix.
We decided to take the scenic road back by driving down the penninsula onto Bainbridge island and had a nice dinner at Nola. I love that place, I vote we move there.
Our experience in Townsend was similar. Great old buildings and such, but random people. I believe the "gypsies" you refer to are actually Indians as there is a huge reservation over there.
Dittos on Bainbridge. Wish I could make living there work. I've learned a valuable lesson lately. You are really never that far away if Safeway or Spud can deliver you food :-D
I think by Gypsies, Scott meant sullen teenagers dressed in goth.
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