Scott and I are redoing our backyard. Our first project is replacing the existing rock wall (full of concrete bits and odd rocks) and creating/planting a larger gardening bed. We want to later add in a paver patio, but we'll get to that another weekend.

Overall, the day was very successful! The first layer is in, and now we just have to figure out how to stack up the next few layers. It's hard puzzling it all together becuase the natural stones are all different sizes. Anyway, here's the wrapup of our hard work:

Blood: My arms got cut up quite a bit reaching into the pallet to grab the stones yesterday. Then today, my little pinkie accidentally got in the way while we were trying to fit togehter two stones into the ground. It's still throbbing! Lucky Scott got through the weekend unscathed.
Sweat: Seattle weather today was 80+ with over 60% humidity. The good thing about our backyard is there is several very tall conifers that shades the entire yard for a good part of the day.
Fears: We have no idea if we're doing this right!
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