Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't rain all the time in Seattle. Having been an official Seattlite for 8 months (if you want to get technical, 2 months with a Washington ID), I firmly believe that people from Seattle say it rains a lot simply to scare people away from coming here. I simply can't find any other reasons. There have been maybe a dozen days that I've seen where the sun hasn't poked out for at least a few minutes.
I've also noticed a strange coincidence, whenever I'm traveling for business it tends to rain more. When I come back it tends to be more sunny. Perhaps being from SoCal has an effect.
Case in point, last weekend the weather went from 50 to 85 to 35 degrees. We had wind, rain, hail and 4" of snow!
Lies! All lies! Seattle has more rain per square inch than any other state!
"It rains 9 months out of the year in Seattle."
"I know! I know! I do NOT want to move to Seattle"
2 guesses where those lines are from!
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